Hosted Telephony System

Hosted Telephony System

All our businesses/tenants are now on a Hosted Telephony system.   Our providers run extensive tests to ensure our internet speeds of up to 100 mbs are consistently available.

Benefits of our Hosted Phones:-

  • Call forwarding
  • Voicemail
  • Network Calls
  • Log/phonebook
  • Network conferencing and more
  • Auto-deployment, plug-and-play
  • Ability to work from home
  • Twinning with your mobile
  • Music on hold
  • Ability to use Phone Buddy
  • Online Portal


We have various office spaces available here as a new phase of office conversion is nearing completion at Park View Business Centre. Whether for yourself or a team of up to 20 we can accommodate all. Why not come take a look and see what we have to offer! For all enquiries please ring 01948 661600 or email